Research Projects
Current projects
This interdisciplinary research project explores innovations in targeting households based on multiple wellbeing metrics in Lusaka, Zambia.
This project aims at exploring the take-up and impacts of a sustainable housing intervention implemented by the NGO Association Voute Nubienne in rural areas among several Sahelian countries.
This research compares two modalities of an urban social transfer program in Madagascar: a simple cash transfer program (classic TMU) and a multifaceted cash transfer program (multifaceted TMU).
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0013762
This research measures the impact of a package of interventions centered on Village Saving and Loan Association promotion, and explores the mechanisms through which the program operates.
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0009761
Impact evaluation of an intervention that provides an Android App and information for curbing corruption and easing administrative tasks in Burkina Faso; Research design of a randomized evaluation and analysis of household phone survey data.
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0006543
This project collected primary data on artisanal mines and households living nearby in order to describe and quantify this major livelihood in rural Burkina Faso and to assess the impacts of mines on child labor and education using quasi-experimental methods.
Selected past projects
Measurement of the impact of the largest humanitarian cash transfer program on education and child labor outcomes in Turkey using quasi-experimental methods.
Review of the existing evidence and analysis of a compilation of primary datasets for assessing the performance of various targeting methods aiming at reaching poor and food insecure households in the Sahel region.
This project intends to compare the quality of different satellite-based insurance products. The goal is to assess the value of the protection offered to farmers, and to identify the best alternative(s) to design high-quality insurance products.
This work focuses on developing and applying methods to measure the quality of index-insurance products. The approach employed is farmer-centric, focusing on the value of the protection offered by the insurance. In other words, we measure how much the insurance product is correlated with actual losses, and how much it stabilizes household income.
This study measures the impact of a cotton area-yield insurance sold to farmers in Houndé, Burkina Faso. The intervention was randomized, and n encouragement design was employed, providing different levels of subsidies to different farmers groups (GPCs). The objective is to measure the effect of purchasing the insurance on productive investments and well-being.
The work builds on the findings from the Cameroon assessment, and studies the targeting outcome from a health insurance card provision. Targeting was conducted by the community, and is compared to a Proxy means testing (PMT) targeting outcome. The study focuses on the specificity of the health intervention and of health outcome characteristics of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
This project aims at evaluating the sustained effect of cash transfers for beneficiary households, 18 months after they stopped receiving transfers. We focus on assets and activities to see if the transfers generated a long-term productive impact.
We try to assess whether different targeting mechanisms efficiently reach the poorest households in a cash transfer project in Northern Cameroon. Specifically, we compare the performance of Proxy means testing (PMT), Community-based targeting (CBT), and an hybrid of PMT and CBT.
- Multimodal and multidimensional targeting in Zambia
This interdisciplinary research project explores innovations in targeting households based on multiple wellbeing metrics in Lusaka, Zambia.
- Sustainable housing for improved living conditions in the Sahel region
This project aims at exploring the take-up and impacts of a sustainable housing intervention implemented by the NGO Association Voute Nubienne in rural areas among several Sahelian countries.
- Comparing simple cash transfers with multifaceted approaches in Madagascar
This research compares two modalities of an urban social transfer program in Madagascar: a simple cash transfer program (classic TMU) and a multifaceted cash transfer program (multifaceted TMU).
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0013762
- Randomized evaluation of the Projet Emploi Jeune et Inclusion Productive in Niger
This research measures the impact of a package of interventions centered on Village Saving and Loan Association promotion, and explores the mechanisms through which the program operates.
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0009761
- Impact evaluation of the Citizens Against Corruption intervention in Burkina Faso
Impact evaluation of an intervention that provides an Android App and information for curbing corruption and easing administrative tasks in Burkina Faso; Research design of a randomized evaluation and analysis of household phone survey data.
AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0006543
- The impacts of artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso (presentation here)
This project collected primary data on artisanal mines and households living nearby in order to describe and quantify this major livelihood in rural Burkina Faso and to assess the impacts of mines on child labor and education using quasi-experimental methods.
Selected past projects
- Alleviating child labor and promoting schooling of refugees in Turkey with cash transfers (poster; presentation)
Measurement of the impact of the largest humanitarian cash transfer program on education and child labor outcomes in Turkey using quasi-experimental methods.
- Targeting in practice: review and analysis of targeting performance in the Sahel region (see World Bank BBL presentation)
Review of the existing evidence and analysis of a compilation of primary datasets for assessing the performance of various targeting methods aiming at reaching poor and food insecure households in the Sahel region.
- Designing satellite-based insurance in Kenya and Ethiopia
This project intends to compare the quality of different satellite-based insurance products. The goal is to assess the value of the protection offered to farmers, and to identify the best alternative(s) to design high-quality insurance products.
- Measuring index insurance quality
This work focuses on developing and applying methods to measure the quality of index-insurance products. The approach employed is farmer-centric, focusing on the value of the protection offered by the insurance. In other words, we measure how much the insurance product is correlated with actual losses, and how much it stabilizes household income.
- Index insurance for cotton farmers in Burkina Faso
This study measures the impact of a cotton area-yield insurance sold to farmers in Houndé, Burkina Faso. The intervention was randomized, and n encouragement design was employed, providing different levels of subsidies to different farmers groups (GPCs). The objective is to measure the effect of purchasing the insurance on productive investments and well-being.
- Targeting field test in Burkina Faso
The work builds on the findings from the Cameroon assessment, and studies the targeting outcome from a health insurance card provision. Targeting was conducted by the community, and is compared to a Proxy means testing (PMT) targeting outcome. The study focuses on the specificity of the health intervention and of health outcome characteristics of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries.
- Impact evaluation of a pilote cash transfer project in Niger
This project aims at evaluating the sustained effect of cash transfers for beneficiary households, 18 months after they stopped receiving transfers. We focus on assets and activities to see if the transfers generated a long-term productive impact.
- Ex-post targeting assessment in Cameroon
We try to assess whether different targeting mechanisms efficiently reach the poorest households in a cash transfer project in Northern Cameroon. Specifically, we compare the performance of Proxy means testing (PMT), Community-based targeting (CBT), and an hybrid of PMT and CBT.