Publications & Work in progress
Publications on Google Scholar
Publications on ResearchGate
Peer Reviewed Articles
Book chapters
Working Papers
Technical Publications and Theses
Publications on ResearchGate
Peer Reviewed Articles
- Aygün Hızıroğlu, A., M. Kırdar, M. Koyuncu, and Q. Stoeffler. "Keeping refugee children in school and out of work: Evidence from the world's largest humanitarian cash transfer program." Journal of Development Economics (2024) (ungated working paper)
- Schnitzer, P., and Q. Stoeffler. "Targeting social safety nets: Evidence from nine programs in the Sahel." The Journal of Development Studies (2024) (ungated working paper)
- Premand, P., and Q. Stoeffler. “Cash transfers, climatic shocks and resilience in the Sahel”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2022). (Open access; link to presentation; featured on PreventionWeb)
- Stoeffler, Q. and G. Opuz. “Price, information and product quality: Explaining index insurance demand in Burkina Faso”. Food Policy (2022).
- Stoeffler, Q., W. Gelade, C. Guirkinger, and M.R. Carter, “The Spillover Impact of Index Insurance on Agricultural Investment by Cotton Farmers in Burkina Faso”. The World Bank Economic Review (2021). (Ungated version)
- Stoeffler, Q., F. Fontshi, A. Lungela. “Targeting in practice: A review of existing mechanisms for beneficiary selection in the Democratic Republic of Congo”. Journal of International Development (2020).
- Jensen, N., Q. Stoeffler, M. Carter, C. Atzberger, M. Meroni, A. Mude, A. Vrieling, F. Fava. “Does the design matter? Comparing satellite-based indices for insuring pastoralists against drought”. Ecological Economics (2019).
- Stoeffler, Q., B. Mills, and P. Premand. “Poor Households’ Productive Investments of Cash Transfers: Quasi-experimental evidence from Niger.” Journal of African Economies (2019).
- Ouédraogo, S., V. Ridde, N. Atchessi, A. Souares, J-L.Koulidiati, Q. Stoeffler, M-V. Zunzunegui. “Characterization of the rural indigent population in Burkina Faso: a screening tool for setting priority health care services in sub-Saharan Africa.” BMJ Open (2017).
- Stoeffler, Q., B. Mills, and C. del Ninno. “Reaching the Poor: Cash Transfer Program Targeting in Cameroon.” World Development (2016).
- Stoeffler, Q., J. Alwang, B. Mills, and N. Taruvinga. "Multidimensional Poverty in Crisis: Lessons from Zimbabwe." Journal of Development Studies (2015): 1-19.
- Stoeffler, Q. “Crop portfolio choices in Burkina Faso.” Journal of Developing Areas (2016).
- Stoeffler, Q. "The Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfer Programs on Farmers: Evidence from Ex-Ante Simulations." Public Knowledge Journal 4, no. 2 (2013).
Book chapters
- Carter, M., S. Janzen, Q. Stoeffler. "Can Insurance Help Manage Climate Risk and Food Insecurity? Evidence from the Pastoral Regions of East Africa" in Climate Smart Agriculture - Building Resilience to Climate Change, edited by L. Lipper, N. McCarthy, D. Zilberman, S. Asfaw and G. Branca New York: Springer, 2018.
- Stoeffler, Q., P. Nguetse-Tegoum, and B. Mills. "Generating a System for Targeting Unconditional Cash Transfers in Cameroun." In Safety Nets in Africa: Effective Mechanisms to Reach the Poor and Most Vulnerable (2015): 39.
- Leite, P., Q. Stoeffler, and A. Kryeziu. "Targeting Effectiveness of Social Safety Net Programs in Senegal." In Safety Nets in Africa: Effective Mechanisms to Reach the Poor and Most Vulnerable (2015): 213.
Working Papers
- Guirkinger, C. & Q. Stoeffler. “New economic opportunities and children outcomes: unravelling negative effects of artisanal mines on primary education”
- W. Jung, R. Benotsmane, Q. Stoeffler, A. Kim, S. Ghadimi, M. Hosseini, D. Ntarlagiannis, T. Ammari, Y. Lu, J. Steiner. “Contextualized Poverty Targeting through Multimodal Spatial Data and Machine Learning in Congo”
- Stoeffler, Q. and A. Hilger. “Can digital tools empower citizens and alleviate corruption? Experimental evidence from Burkina Faso”. [AEA RCT registry ID: AEARCTR-0006543]
- Benotsmane, R. and Q. Stoeffler. “Why are women not working? Understanding female ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) in Turkey”
- B. Çubukcu, Q. Stoeffler and V. Ridde. “Targeting Efficiency of PMT and CBT to Reach Poor and Health-Deprived Households in Burkina Faso”
Technical Publications and Theses
- Premand, P., and Q. Stoeffler. "Do Cash Transfers Foster Resilience? Evidence from Rural Niger". Policy Research Working Paper;No. 9473. World Bank, Washington, DC. (2020).
- Stoeffler, Q., W. Gelade, C. Guirkinger, and M.R. Carter. “The spillover impact of index insurance on agricultural investment by cotton farmers in Burkina Faso”. National Bureau of Economic Research (2020).
- Stoeffler, Q., B. Mills, and P. Premand. “Households’ investments in durable and productive assets in Niger: quasi-experimental evidence from a cash transfer project.” Policy Research Working Paper Series, World Bank (2016).
- Stoeffler, Q. "Three Essays on Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multidimensional Poverty Change in Zimbabwe; Long-Term Impact of Cash Transfers in Niger; and Targeting Efficiency of Social Protection Programs in Cameroon." PhD dissertation, Virginia Tech, 2014.
- Stoeffler, Q. "In the Land of Failing Markets: How Farmers React to Price Signals." Master's thesis, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2009.
- Stoeffler, Q. "What happens when cash transfers end? Sustained impacts on productive investments in Niger", guest post for the Economics That Really Matter blog, published on January 20, 2016.
- Stoeffler, Q., T. Barré, and M. Carter. "Measuring index insurance quality." I4 Brief 2015-01.
- Stoeffler, Q. « Le commerce des produits agricoles au Burkina Faso: au-delà des prix », Grain de sel n°46-47, pp 7-8, March-August 2009.
- Stoeffler, Q. “The Cotonou Agreement: across-the-broad reform of ACP-EU coopereation”, Grain de sel n°39, pp 15-16, June-August 2007